The Movement toward Patient-Centered Medical Home

Health extension is an established, unique, replicable model addressing priority community health problems with resources from universities and agencies. Health Extension is a method of helping primary care practices overcome barriers to transformation by sharing common resources. It connects resources of the academic health center, public health and other state agencies, to a state’s rural, minority, and underserved communities that depend on primary care practices for immediate access to health care.
PCMH- What’s in it for small practices?

Supporting Readiness for Change
Many organizations offer models assessing primary care practice readiness for change toward PCMH. One of the most organized is from Transformed, a subsidiary of the American Academy of Family Physicians. The components of the Transformed model include an on-line assessment applicable for clinical staff, office staff, and residency programs; a transformation package specially designed for small practices; medical home facilitation offering an on-site practice facilitator; a baseline practice assessment via surveys, interviews, phone conversations and e-mail communications with key practice staff.
Group Health Cooperative offers an Assessment of Chronic Illness Care tool. The survey helps systems and provider practices move toward the “state-of-the-art” in managing chronic illness. The results can help clinic teams identify areas for improvement. Click on the image below to access the assessment.
Building Capacity for Technical & Adaptive Change

Practices have Different Needs
Practices are often so overwhelmed with patients and feel stretched in terms of staff and resources, so they need help and guidance–which EMR to choose? How to achieve meaningful use? How and where to recruit personnel? How to offer continuing education for their staff? How to keep current with the best evidence of practice when information overload is manifested by the growing pile of unread journals?…
Health Extension Role in Primary Care Practice Transformation
Health extension agents can help gauge the help practices need and want
Health extension agents can survey the practice regarding readiness for change and suggest where to start along the path to practice transformation– click below for some sample assessment tools:
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